
I am Paweł Zasada

Web developer - freelancer

Zdjęcie Paweł Zasada

I create very good websites

loga HTML JS i CSS

Modern and compliant with current standards

loga HTML JS i CSS

Optimized for search engines

loga HTML JS i CSS

Great looking on mobile devices

Projects that I am proud of:

Google clone

My Google Clone App using React, firebase deployment, MUI icons and material. Own hook.

Funcionalities: Web surfing through a Google Search API.


An Instagram clone project using React-Native technology as well as yup, formik.

Funcionalities: Logging in and signing in on web database. Adding posts to database and rendering them. Getting random profile pictures from API. Liking posts. Search photos screen.

Buduj z zasadami

Site using React App that presents an offer of my engineering services

Animated banner

Banner using CSS animations.

My motto

"Life is a very great gift and a great good, not because of what it gives us, but because of what it enables us to give to others"

Thomas Merton

In my free time I enjoy:




Taking care of dogs

Contact me: